Monday, August 23, 2010

IWBTB Beta Update

NEW Stuff:

  • New Ryu Attacks
  • Lots of fixes including an ear rape spider as character exploit, zubat is fixed and more things I can't remember
  • Prob some more stuff lul


  1. Zubat Fixed!
    Long live the Solgryn! =)

  2. Ugh thank god. Fuck zubat.

    Definitely stream playing this when I get home.


  3. You removed the auto gun from ez mode =(

  4. Why Solgryn... Now Ryu is 10x harder. DAMN CARS AND HADOKEN WAVES...

  5. Well I'll never see it cause I can't do the save jumping part. =(

  6. delete that stupid save jump please

  7. Xclamation Point!/Stinkycheeseone890Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 1:32:00 PM PDT

    I don't think so... The save jump part is really unique. Me likey. And so does a lot of people I know. I'm preeeetty sure Solgryn likes it too. Just a guess.

  8. The music rate is very very low and I can't make it play at normal speed again. Do you know how to fix it? Maybe I pressed a wrong button or something...

  9. Xclamation Point!/Stinkycheeseone890Tuesday, August 24, 2010 at 5:43:00 PM PDT

    Press the Home button to make it go back to normal. :)

  10. Hey Solgryn,
    I don't have the internet a lot of the time and I noticed I can't play this offline. Is there any possibility that you could possibly make an offline version of this?

  11. hey sol,

    could you please lower the time of survival at the second miniboss (world 4) on easy-mode ?
    this part drives me crazy...

  12. Xclamation Point!/Stinkycheeseone890Sunday, August 29, 2010 at 12:06:00 PM PDT

    Solgryn, I have a suggestion that will probably make me go crazy on YGGR mode. (Y'know, when the game is finished,) The VVVVVV gravitron, make it TWO minutes. Eh, just a suggestion. ^_^

  13. Hey Sol, I think it is a good idea to maybe exchange the "mini"boss in world 4 with the "real"boss, cause the VVV took me about 1 hour, but the real boss only took me 5 min.

    Oh yeah, a teleporter to the cloud boss in world 2 would be nice

  14. Xclamation Point!/Stinkycheeseone890Monday, August 30, 2010 at 5:40:00 PM PDT

    Welp... I caught up on Ryu. I can now beat him in one try again. ^_^

  15. wait.. there's a world 4 mini boss?? where

  16. Xclamation Point!/Stinkycheeseone890Tuesday, August 31, 2010 at 4:48:00 AM PDT

    Anonymous ^
    The Gravitron.

  17. Is it possible to get the 'It's Boshy Time!' sound file? i wana use it for a text ringtone :p

  18. Hi, the links are both broken? Where can i get the DirectX version?

  19. the page of download says not found
