Monday, August 23, 2010

IWBTB Beta Update

NEW Stuff:

  • New Ryu Attacks
  • Lots of fixes including an ear rape spider as character exploit, zubat is fixed and more things I can't remember
  • Prob some more stuff lul

Sunday, August 8, 2010

IWBTB Beta Update 0.9.4

REUPLOADING for chat fix:
The black border around the chat would sometimes not spawn

- Achievement for Zubat
- Jump sound would sometimes be shoot while shooting would make no sound (fixed)
- Zubat couldn't spawn.. -.-

- Ryu rain effect
- New fire effects
- New Sonic move
- New BOSS: After 10th world
- New rooms in world 2 (LOTS)
- New rooms and complete graphic overhaul in world 4 (VVVVVV)
- New hit effect for all bosses (When they get hit they flash for a brief moment)
- Semi-scrolling backgrounds
- New barrel roll song (CD)
- NEW SECRET LEVEL (+miniboss)
- New tutorial level
- New kid icarus BG effect
- New teleport transitions
- New boshy sound clips
- NEW CHAT SYSTEM includes:
- New chat box
- Chat history Yay !

Saturday, August 7, 2010

IWBTB Beta update 0.9.4... delayed

Cause of ingame chat problems which I need to sort out. I am also not quite done with the new chat box. Update is probably gonna be tomorrow, Iif I can make it till then.